Tag Archives: boil in armpit with no head

Boils Under Armpits: How to (Safely) Get Rid of a Boil Under Your Armpit

Boils Under Your Armpits

Having a boil under your armpit can be quite painful and annoying.  You can’t do much without using your arms, so there’s the constant reminder that you have a boil.  If you find yourself with an underarm boil, you’ll want to follow these home remedies to get rid of it quickly.

What Causes a Boil in the Armpit?

The Armpit is more susceptible to boils than other parts of your body simply because the underarm stays warm, sweaty, and contains a lot of hair particles

Bacteria (staphylococcus) that thrive in your underarms can get into a hair particle or micro-cut, and cause an infection under the surface of the skin.

If you shave your armpits, you are also increasing the likelihood of getting a boil since razors can leave small micro-cuts, which open the skin and are an invitation to bacteria.

How to Get Rid of a Boil Under Armpit

First, you need to get the boil to come to a head so it can open and drain.  (You never want to force a boil open by squeezing or cutting it.  Popping it can cause the infection to spread, as well increased pain and inflammation).

1.) To bring the boil to a head, make a wet heat compress by soaking a washcloth in warm (mildly hot) water and letting it sit on the boil for 15 to 20 minutes, several times a day.  The heat helps increase blood flow by opening the blood vessels, thus bringing the boil to a head sooner.

2.) Once it pops, you will want to continue to place the warm, wet washcloth on the boil like you did before.  This will help the pus to drain.  You may gently press around the edges of the boil to encourage draining, but be careful and don’t use too much force.

3.) Keep the area clean of bacteria as much as you can.  You should wash the area several times throughout the day with an antibacterial soap. (Some people like to use Hibiclens, which is great for safely killing bacteria. Many post-surgery patients use it to help prevent infections from surgical wounds.)

4.) Keep a clean bandage on it.  It may be a little more difficult since it’s under the armpit, but medical tape and gauze should work well since you’ll be cleaning the area and putting a new bandage on it a few times a day.

Home Remedy for Boils Under Your Armpits

Here are a few good natural boils remedies you can use to treat your armpit boils….

Turmeric:  Turmeric contains natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which can help reduce inflammation and pain.  The best way to apply it is to make a turmeric paste with turmeric powder mixed with water (or ginger) and spread it over the boil.  You should put it on at least twice a day.

Neem Oil: This oil is used for all kinds of skin ailments because of its antiseptic and antibacterial properties.  It can help keep the bacteria level down in your armpit region as well as provide some healing power.

Tea Tree Oil:  This also has similar healing and antibacterial properties to Neem oil. Just be sure to dilute it with a ‘carrier’ oil such as olive oil or coconut oil since pure tea tree oil may be a little harsh for a open sore.

How to Prevent Armpit Boils

There are a few things you can do to help prevent boils from forming on your body, as well as spreading boils to someone else. (Yes, boils are contagious.)

1.) Practice good hygiene.  Clean your armpits as good as you can each day whenever you shower.  Use an antibacterial soap along with a loofah that can help exfoliate the dead skin and clean out your pores.

2.) Don’t share razors.  If you use a razor that someone else used, there’s a good chance bacteria from that other person’s skin is going to get into your skin through micro-cuts caused by the razor.

3.) Don’t share clothes, towels, or washcloths.  This is another way bacteria spreads from one person’s skin to another.  Be sure to always use antibacterial laundry detergent.

Recurring Armpit Boils

If you find yourself with recurring boils on your armpits, here may be a few possible reasons:

  • Your Armpit Shaving Habits  (this is also applies when shaving your private area)
    • You’re using a dull razor
    • You’re not using enough shaving cream or shaving gel
    • You’re shaving against the grain (try shaving with the grain for less chance of micro-cuts)
    • You’re sharing your razor
  • You’re sharing your bed with someone who has staphylococcus bacteria on their skin
  • Your immune system is weak.  Make sure you are getting the nutrients and vitamins you need for a healthy lifestyle.

What to do if you have a Boil in Your Armpit with No head

It’s not very often that a boil doesn’t form a head, but it can happen.  If that happens, here’s what you can do.

  1. Follow step 1 above and use the wet heat compress often to try to get the boil to come to a head.
  2. Take a bath in warm water with Epsom salt once or twice a day.  Epsom salt and warm water can help the boil to come to a head by opening your blood vessels to allow blood to flow in the area.
  3. Give it a few days.  If it looks like the boil is healing, keep treating it.  Although rare, it may be healing without coming to a head.  
  4. After one week, if the boil is still painful, and it hasn’t come to a head, you should go see a doctor.  They may be able to lance it for you and release the puss.  Note that you should NEVER attempt to do this on your own.  Your doctor will know how to do this procedure safely IF it needs to be done, as well as prescribe you antibiotics to help prevent infection.