Natural Remedies for Boils: Top 4 Proven Remedies For Getting Rid of Boils Fast

Natural Remedies for Boils

What are Boils?

We’ll get into the natural remedies for boils below. But first, let’s find out just exactly what a boil really is.

Boils are simply a skin abscess, or collection of pus that forms in the skin that’s cause by bacteria.  They can be quite painful and are usually red, swollen, and eventually form into a pus-filled head that “pops” so the pus can drain out of the infected area.  They most commonly form in areas of the body such as the face, groin, armpits, buttocks, and shoulders.

What Causes Boils?

Boils are usually caused by a bacteria known as staphylococcus that enter the skin through a scrape or small micro-cut.  Once the bacteria gets under the skin, infection is likely if you are susceptible to this type of bacteria.   

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Boils

Below, we’ll discuss the best natural remedies for boils.  Let’s discuss what you should do first to make sure you are treating the boil properly.

Boils will almost always heal quicker if you treat them properly.  It is a process and requires you to stay diligent each day until the boil is healed.  If you follow these remedies, you’ll find relief faster and you’ll be glad you stuck with it.

Open the Boil Naturally

As the boil starts to form from the infection, it will turn red, swell up, and the skin will harden.  After a few days, you should notice a pus-filled head starting to form.  This is a good thing.  You want to encourage the boil to open so it can drain naturally.

To get the boil top open up and drain on its own, you will want to use a ‘heat compress‘ to help the blood vessels open up and increase blood flow around the area. The best heat compress is one you make yourself by soaking a washcloth with warm water and placing it on the boil for 20 minutes, 3 or 4 times a day.

The boil will eventually come to a head and the pus will start to ooze out of the infected area.  This process usually takes 5-7 days before it opens.  Whatever you do, don’t squeeze or poke the boil to get it to open unless directed by a physician.  This is highly discouraged by almost all medical professionals since it is highly likely doing so will lead to further infection and even more pain.

(If it’s too painful, your doctor may be able to lance it for you.  This is where they take a sharp surgical instrument and pop the boil by hand.  Physicians are trained to do this and they will most likely prescribe you antibiotics to prevent you from getting an infection.  So again, please don’t do this on your own.)

Drain the Boil and Keep it Clean

After the boil opens, it will usually drain for a few days.  You will want to help encourage the pus to drain by continuing to use a warm, wet washcloth on the boil for the same amount of time as before.  However, this time there may be a little more mess because of the oozing, so you’ll want to make sure you are using a clean wash cloth each time.

Clean it well with an antibacterial soap, and put a clean bandage or gauze over the boil each time.  By reducing the amount of bacteria on and around the area, you can decrease your chances of an infection anywhere else around the area or on your body, and ensure the boil has the best fighting chance for fast healing.

Now we’ll get into the best remedies to use on your boil.

The Best Proven Natural Remedies for Boils

Throughout the entire process of treating your boil, there are natural remedies for boils you should use to help speed up the healing time of your boil and soothe the pain and irritation.

1.) Epsom Salt:  Taking an Epsom salt bath has many benefits.  The salts are a healing agent as well as beneficial for keeping the infected area bacteria free.  Epsom salt can also help dry out the pus and assist the boil in draining.


2.) Turmeric: Turmeric has been used for thousands of years in Eastern medicine to treat all kinds of ailments, and boils are no exception. Turmeric powder contains both anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can help speed up the healing process for your boils, and even provide you with some soothing relief.  Just make a paste that you can apply to your boil by mixing the turmeric powder with water or ginger, and spreading it on the boil after you clean it.


3.) Tea Tree Oil:  This type of oil is great for many things. And as powerful medicine, none the less. Tea Tree oil contains antibacterial and antiseptic properties which are excellent for skin ailments such as boils.  Just be sure to dilute it a ‘carrier’ oil such as olive or coconut oil.  By its nature, straight tea tree oil can cause stinging if applied directly without dilution.


4.) Neem Oil: This type of oil is also used for other types of skin ailments such as acne.  The antimicrobial and antibacterial properties provide natural healing power to the boil, making the healing time even shorter.

How Long Does it Take for a Boil to Heal?

A boil that is treated properly can take 2 – 3 weeks to heal.  If left untreated, your body may have a harder time fighting the infection, so be sure to take care of your immune system by getting plenty of sleep, staying well hydrated, and consuming necessary vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Precautions to Take When It Comes to Boils

  • Wash your clothes, towels, and bedding in hot water with an antibacterial detergent.  It is important to keep your clothing and linens free from any bacteria that could easily infect other parts of your body, or someone else.
  • Always use shaving cream or shaving gel when you shave any part of your body.  Also, shave with the grain of your hair.  This will help you avoid micro-cuts caused by your razor, which are an open invitation for boil-causing bacteria. 
  • Don’t share your towels, sheets, razors, or clothes with others.  You can get the skin-infecting bacteria from someone else, and they can just as easily spread it to you.

Natural Treatment for Boils on Buttocks

Finding a natural treatment for boils is no less important than if you find yourself with a boil on your buttocks. Treating a boil on your buttocks can be a little more tricky because of the location.  It’s hard to see or reach the area, and it’s hard to avoid sitting or laying down on it.  Here’s a short video on specifically treating a boil on your buttocks